So Halloween went well. We went trick or treating with Bryan & Tara, some of Sam's coolest friends EVER. If I had friends like that from High School, I wouldn't be so desperate to hang out with my family all the time, I think. (It's weird talking about Halloween when it's the middle of January.) Point is, it was great fun. Sam refused to dress up like a chef if I was to be an oven (bun in the oven. Get it?). He didn't like the inuendoes. I saw pictures on facebook of one of my friends. He dressed up like a chef, and his wife (due the same time as me) had the T-shirt with the oven & bun picture. It was so cute, and I showed Sam, but he still refused. He said Eric, the friend, was a brave man. When I mentioned it to Eric, he said that he had needed some convincing to wear it too. When I would suggest other ideas to Sam, he declined and didn't seem to understand that we're a family and it's utterly cute to dress up as a theme. Turns out, he did end up dressing like a bumble bee, I was a ladybug, and so was Melanie.

Thanks Bon! I like your updates- even if they're few and far between!! We're still coming out in August for vacation/D's baptism... hopefully all your brothers will be there and can be in the confirmation circle for D-Ball. We're planning to go to Disneyland as well (just a head's up) and I'm going to ride ALL THE RIDES- especially roller coasters! DBall of course prob won't ride many, he's skeert. But I've missed out on a lot, and intend to make up for it. WooHoo!!! XOXOXO
I didn't know you had a blog. I am very excited about that. Thanks for the comment about us. We love you guys and are lucky to have such great friends like you as well. As for the mommy's group thing...that's fine with me. I am all up for Wii. LOL I am also up for getting together once in a while. I do have some apprehensions, but I can tell you about that later. Having a group to meet with sounds fun!
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